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I have included some information on what to expect and how to get the most out of our sessions.

This process is about tending to self and taking in lessons your soul has for you. Your systems innate intelligence will guide us to the best layers, topics, and healing for your highest good. It’s important for you to feel safe, supported, and know you are in control of each session and it’s depth. I will be helping and guiding you through the process as you step into your mastery. I will keep all your information confidential.

Make sure to give me at least a 48 hour notice if you are unable to make our appointment as cancelled sessions are charged at half price. If you ever feel stuck or are in a crisis, please know you dont have to try and figure everything out on your own. You are welcome to call or text anytime you need help or support and if I am available, I will be happy to help you through. This time will be pro-rated and added to your next sessions payment.

Be sure to give yourself time to integrate after each session. Drink plenty of water and honor what you feel you need for fortifying the new energetics brought in by the session. You may feel euphoric and on top on the world or you may feel flu-like for a short period of time. If this is the case make sure your body gets rest and most sleep in order to integrate the new energies. Each persons system is unique and integrates differently. Listen to your guidance throughout the week and follow what it needs.

Looking forward to starting your healing journey together,
